5 Common acrylic pouring problems

Here are some common problems that you may encounter when doing your acrylic pouring:

  1. Cells not forming: This is a common problem that occurs when the pouring medium and paint don't mix properly. It can also be caused by using too much pouring medium, or by using a pouring medium that is too thick.

2. Cracking: This can happen when the paint dries too quickly, or when the painting is exposed to heat or direct sunlight. It can also be caused by using a pouring medium that is too thick.

3. Puddles and drips: This can happen when the paint is too thin, or when the surface is not properly prepared. Make sure to use a pouring medium to help the paint flow smoothly, and to make sure the surface is level.

4. Uneven coverage: This can happen when the paint is applied too thickly in some areas and too thinly in others. To avoid this, try to pour the paint in a steady stream and avoid overloading the canvas.

5. Discoloration: This can happen if the paint is exposed to heat or direct sunlight, or if it is mixed with an incompatible medium. To avoid this, make sure to store your paintings in a cool, dry place, and be careful about what you mix with your paint.


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